
My Little Cat English was developed following the guidelines and methodology of the W3C - World Wide Web Consortium, as presented in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines document. We strive to meet the requirements of Decree 5.296, published in December 2004, which mandates accessibility on public administration websites on the World Wide Web for people with special needs, ensuring them full access to the available content.

Available access keys

This site uses a configuration that aligns with most international recommendations regarding access keys.

ALT + 1 - Go to content

ALT + 2 - Go to menu

ALT + 3 - Go to footer

ALT + 4 - Shortcut Keys Details (accessibility page)

ALT + 5 - Site Map

In the Opera browser, you need to disable the keyboard shortcuts that point to Speed Dial: Menu > Settings > Preferences > Advanced > Shortcuts. In the keyboard settings, click on Opera Standard and then Edit. In the search bar, type: speed dial. Remove all entries of the type: N ctrl, where N is a number.

The way to activate the access key depends on your browser and platform:

FirefoxAlt + Shift + keyIn Firefox 57 or later: Control + Option + key or Control + Alt + key
In Firefox 14 or later: Control + Option + key
In Firefox 13 or earlier: Control + key
EdgeAlt + keyN/A
Internet ExplorerAlt + keyN/A
Google ChromeAlt + keyControl + Option + key
SafariAlt + keyN/AControl + Option + key
Opera 15+Alt + keyControl + Option + key
Opera 12

Shift + Esc opens a list of content accessible via the access key, and then you can select an item by pressing key.